Snapchat Channels, Social Impact Branding, Startup

5 Easy Ways Companies can Snap at Work!

5 Easy Ways Companies can Snap at Work!

How this Female Founder is Leading the Pack for B2B Marketing on Snapchat as an Accidental Entrepreneur.










I think that the majority of us can agree now that Snapchat isn’t going anywhere but up and there’s seems to be a craze or confusion on how to utilize this tool efficiently or what to share on a Snapstory when it comes to business, just as many users are still struggling to see the value in the platform all together. It cannot be ignored though that Snapchat has over 10 Billion active users per day and according to Joel Capperella, who recently published, “How Businesses can use Snapchat” quoted 14% of active users are now OVER the age of 35, so it’s not just for the young people anymore! In fact, NOW is the best time for companies to jump on board and fully engage before the platform becomes overcrowded and highly engaged with established brands at which time creating an impact would be highly difficult.

I cannot speak for everyone, nor can I respectfully tell you what to do…. But what I can do is tell you what I have been able to accomplish in the few months that I have been snapping for business purposes and have created some highly engaged and authentic relationships with several leading industry professionals not only across the country but around the globe!


Contrary to what others are saying, it is not going to be at least a year before you’re able to find new connections within Snapchat because there absolutely IS a discovery app, in fact there’s two that I know of. One I use regularly to not only grow my own personal brand but to learn from professionals before me that are setting an example, sharing the content, and unbelievably accessible it is crazy to think I was snapping messaging with Chris Saaca just weeks into my Snaplife…

The reach goes so much further and relationships are the key term to the new way of marketing. Here’s 5 easy examples right off the top of my head.

  1. Memories for B2B- Think of this like auto DM on Twitter… in the beginning! Meaning when you want to intro yourself or your favorite interests the new memories app is a place to keep stories, and individual snaps, organized and labeled in public or password protected areas! For Businesses this would save soooo much time, energy, and resources if you can forward your introduction to the purpose of your company on a regular basis.
  2. Discovery – Ummm… helllooo people…. Have you not heard of Ghostcodes??? This app has been out for at least 2 or 3 months provides so much undeniable value as a prospecting tool with quantifiable source checks just one click away. I see Ghostcodes as so much more than a snapchat discovery tool, or popularity contest to see who is on the featured wall today but as more of a digital resume allowing a personal view inside their digital life to just browse around before even initiating any form of literal contact…. Can we say, Time saver!! How many times have you entered into a meeting with high hopes and big expectations only to find a major disappointment or simply just a waste of valuable time you’ll never be able to get back?
  3. Restaurants – Take your snap into the kitchen and give your guests an inside view of the dinner rush from the back of the house! This should only help the overall perceptions of restaurants in the end, assuming they are not cutting health and safety standards, because it’s a way to involve the guest into the dining experience as a whole and not just a mouth waiting impatiently for a plate but will show the true chaos and rush that service industry professionals go thru on a regular basis.
  4. Storytelling– Not sure why anybody thinks this is a toughy for corporate B2B situations because clearly they must not have heard what a “Snapswap” is, because for corporate companies and businesses that are stationed across the states, or even internationally, Snapswaps are a way to bring in a new face and some new energy to the same cause so simply by passing the Snapportunity around different departments and even countries the company is able to promote unison between cultures but also portray an emotional connection to the business through allowing different employees to snap at work.
  5. Collaboration – It was not long after I started my own company that I began engaging with established, veteran Snappers. The first initial was of course being (my very new and one and only role-model or idol at that point) Gary Vee who is basically paving the way for the rest of the natural digital marketers to leave cold methods in the past and truly embrace the technology that is staring us right in the face, from the palm of our hands as we are living in a world completely connected electronically at ALL TIMES, for the very first time in history. By being authentic, and relevant, and transparent ( it’s A.R.T.) I was able to organically create valuable relationships with over 30 different social influencers or mediapreneurs around the world, granted I was very lucky to have had 30 participants not only agree but who more than happy to take part in the #globalsnapswap initiative I had started.

The #GlobalSnapSwap film is an epic community collaborative creation that was put together in no more than a week by myself where I had each participant take over my Snapchannel for a short period of time to give us a real time, real live view, of where they were at in the world, all in one day. So at the end of the day on May 1st, I was left with a little over an hour worth of film that basically is a trip, around the world from the palm of your hand from a first person perspective tour guide, in real time. It’s nothing less than amazing, in fact one viewer said, “it was better than watching the travel channel” and the entire initiative was put together solely by me in just a matter of days! Now, I can only take the credit for the conception, and initial execution, because without the amazing help some of the participants so kindly offered to help me with in regards to editing as well as how each one of the participants went out of their way to provide some very interesting and factual information about their location which made the movie worth watching. Check out the preview below…


If these 5 short examples don’t clear the fog up a bit for you please reach out and I’ll share 5 more that are industry relatable to you; or better yet, just sign up for my Snapchat for B2B Marketing Live training course launching later today or tomorrow at where I’ll be teaching this to my local Minneapolis/St. Paul area as well as digitally to anyone else whose interested. In the meantime, cheers to the future of a global gig economy where consumers are actually on an even playing field with the corporate head dogs.




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